
兒童主日學時間︰上午9 時15 分或11 時15 分於樓下 B10 室舉行,未體參加實體課堂的兒童,可透過Zoom 鏈結同步上課。 早上9 時15 分( 實體兒童主日學) 早上11 時15 分(網上及實體兒童主日學) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88021996139?pwd=OEVnbVdVSVRsay9TcGV3WEtIM1Q4dz09 Meeting ID: 880 2199 6139 Passcode: 111222

MCCC 35th Anniversary

Photo Wall: Brothers and sisters are encouraged to email memorable photos to the church office by this Sunday (Dec 19). millikenchristianchurch@gmail.com .It can be individual, family or group photos. Handmade crafts/art pieces are also welcome. Don’t forget to include words of love and thanksgiving to God and HIS church. Photos will be displayed on a…

Church Office

Church secretary Sam Cheung will be on holiday from Dec 20th 21st 22nd and 24th.