Church Finance Department

Receipts for 2020 offerings will be distributed at the end of February. Due to epidemic restrictions, Finance Department will provide receipts to brothers and sisters by email or post. In order to provide correct receipts to brothers and sisters, your contact information is very important to us. a. Request email receipt, please email your full…


ECB News (2020, Jan 12) a. The ECB has formed the 2022-23 Deacon Candidates Nomination Committee. Rev. Vincent Lee will be the convener of the committee. b. The ECB has updated the list of MCCC delegates to ACEM Conference in 2021. The delegates are Rev. Vincent Lee, Rev. John Hua, Rev. Luke Xie, Rev. Tim…

English Community Sunday

English congregation “Community Sunday” will be hosted on Zoom from 10:00am-10:30pm on Sunday, January 24th. Come on out to see others from the congregation and pray for one another! Here is the link: QXRBWC9zNHRCdzFwdz09