Community Development

The New Program “Stretching Exercise” is held from March 3rd to April 21st (every Thursday) from 1 pm to 2:30 pm on ZOOM. This program is organized by our Community Development Department, and taught by an exercise professional. The cost for participants is free and is open to all (no age limit). For registration, please…


美堅2021 年1 月至12 月的奉獻記錄已附 載在程序表後頁或瀏覽以下網址參考,如有問題,請 聯絡楊錦良弟兄或趙永智執事。 檔案鏈結:


美堅2021 年1 月至12 月的奉獻記錄已附 載在程序表後頁或瀏覽以下網址參考,如有問題,請 聯絡楊錦良弟兄或趙永智執事。 檔案鏈結: