
教會社區外展事工(Community Development Ministry)將於3月24日 (今主日)下午1:30在地庫副堂舉行《社區外展事工策略分享會》。屆時將與弟兄姊妹們分享有關「進入社區、接觸社區」的事工策略。鼓勵粵語和國語堂的肢體們出席,特別邀請住在附近公寓的弟兄姊妹們來參加。

Afghan Family Sponsorship

Regarding the Afghan refugee family sponsored by MCCC, the mother Fatima and her two children (5-year-old son Artin and 13-year-old son Enram) will arrive in Toronto on April 17. They are looking for a safe one-bedroom unit at an affordable price. For details, please contact Mrs. May Lee. In addition, clothes and bedding in good…


復活節聯合浸禮將於3 月30 日(週六)早上10 時30分在善牧堂舉行,請兄姊預留時間出席,同頌主恩,並為接受水禮的弟兄姊妹信心禱告。 受洗名單如下: 粵語堂︰趙卓芳 英文堂︰Richard Jiang, Matthew Xia, Andrew Hu 國語堂︰楊雅琴、陳琳風,甘永红、孫萍、卞晨絢、初偉、鄭亮、 荔浩瑜、伍家毅