
a. 兒童主日學時間︰上午9時15分或11時15分於樓下B10室舉行,未能參加實體課堂的兒童,可透過Zoom 鏈結同步上課。 早上9時15分 ( 實體兒童主日學) 早上11時15分 (網上及實體兒童主日學) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88021996139?pwd=OEVnbVdVSVRsay9TcGV3WEtIM1Q4dz09 Meeting ID: 880 2199 6139 Passcode: 111222 b. 誠聘請暑期助理︰應徵者須為大學生/大專生,或於今 年9月進入專上學院或大學讀書,有教導兒童基督教信 仰經驗者優先,詳情電郵阮仲謙牧師 mccc.timy@gmail.com

Children Ministry

a. Children’s Sunday School is held at 9:15am and 11:15am downstairs in room B10. If children cannot join the physical class, they can use Zoom to join the class. 9:15am (In person only) 11:15am (Zoom and In person class) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88021996139?pwd=OEVnbVdVSVRsay9TcGV3WEtIM1Q4dz09 Meeting ID: 880 2199 6139 Passcode: 111222 b. We are hiring a summer intern to…

MCCC 35th Anniversary Reading Program

The MCCC 35th Anniversary Reading Program will use Greg Ogden’s Essential Guide to Becoming a Disciple. You can purchase an e-book copy on Amazon or Christianbooks.com. If you would like a physical copy ($22), please contact Pastor Josiah.