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ECB News Flash (March 19, 2024)

A. MCCC brothers and sisters are reminded to park only in the yellow spaces on Easter Sunday (Today). The remaining spaces are reserved for GSCC. Brothers and sisters are strongly encouraged to park on Wintermute Blvd if possible, or when all MCCC parking spaces are full.

B. Membership Applications: Cantonese Congregation: Yuet Shan (Susanna) Wu (胡月珊), Chi Wai (Raymond) Lam (林志偉), Sze Hang (Sherri) Lam (林思行), Kin Hin (Kimy) Ng (吳堅獻), and Kuo Men (Joe) Chow (周果文). If you have any comments, please contact Rev. Vincent Lee before April 7, 2024.