Hiring a part-time maintenance worker or a full-time custodian

a. A part-time maintenance worker, about 20 hours a week, responsible for daily maintenance and event preparation. Please contact Pastor Tim: mccc.timy@gmail.com b. A full-time custodian, 40 hours a week, responsible for daily maintenance, cleaning, event set up and booking arrangement. Please contact Pastor Tim: mccc.timy@gmail.com

Children Ministry

Free Afterschool English Class: Date: March 30 – June 1 (Every Thursday) Time: 3:45pm – 5:30pm Targets: Grade 1-6 students Gr.1 – 3: Reading, comprehension, vocabulary, writing sentences/ paragraphs/ short stories and listening. Gr.4 – 6: Assignments Tutoring **ESL Class is taught by a retired Ontario registered teacher, and the class is free to join….


「樂傳仁愛」(Go and Share Missions Canada) 為敘利亞和土耳其的救援工作設立了一個新項目「地震」,以應對當地的危機。地震後,敘利亞和土耳其的家庭和兒童只有陷入更深的苦況。通過我們的事工合作夥伴,兄姊可登入以下網頁捐款 donation@gosharemissions.ca