
美堅堂將贊助一個阿富汗難民家庭(由華基聯會阿富汗植堂教會的Obed牧師選出)。這家庭將於明年初抵達加拿大。美堅堂需要五位義工/家庭 幫助該家庭解決交通、住房等需求(更多細節將稍後提供)。如果您有興趣成為義工,可聯絡各堂教牧同工。以下是義工的職責(與 NYCCC 的阿富汗植堂教會團隊一起工作): a. 抵達機場迎接家庭 b. 為這家庭尋找租房住處 c. 經常探望這家庭 d. 需要時提供交通工具接送 e. 協助孩子尋找學校和協助成人尋找 LINC 課程 f. 協助尋找二手家具和其他家電 g. 協助這家庭尋找合穿的衣服和鞋子 h. 偶爾邀請這家庭共進午餐或晚餐

Afghan Refugee Family Sponsorship

MCCC will be sponsoring an Afghan refugee family selected by Pastor Obed from the ACEM Afghan Church plant. The family is expected to arrive in Canada in early 2024. Volunteers will be needed to help the family with needs such as transportation, finding housing, etc. (more details will be available later). If you are interested…

Mission Corner

The Chen’s serves with Ethnos Canada as part of a tribal church planting team in Papua New Guinea. Derek and Chantal, and their three children, Evan, Wesley, and Owen just went through some big transitions. Evan is studying in high school in Taiwan while the rest of the family minister to the Tanguat people in…