Staff News

Welcome Mandarin Congregation Pastor Katherine Chi who joined on March 1st, 2023. Her office is downstairs in Room B8. Tel: 416-498-3399 Ext. 266. Email: Pastor Katherine Chi’s Introduction: Katherine has joined MCCC since 2002. She is serving in the children ministry and Sunday worship. In response to God’s calling, she started her seminary studies…

Daylight Savings Time

Daylight Savings Time starts on March 12th (Sunday). Please turn your clock forward 1 hour on Saturday before you go to bed.


ECB Flash news: (Feb 21, 2023) A. ECB has reinstated Ivy Siu, Torrey Phua, and Eileen Chang’s church membership as of February 21 in response to their written intent. They were church members in the past before they went abroad. We are delighted and thankful to have them back. B. The nominated deacon candidates for…