
國語堂李立雲姊妹(Winnie)的兒子(Alvin)和謝飛鵬牧師夫婦的大女兒(Kirstin) 將於10月1日(週六)下午1點在善牧堂舉行婚禮,歡迎弟兄姊妹到塲觀禮或參加線上婚禮,求主賜福一對新人,並請為他們的婚禮禱告。 Zoom 鏈結︰https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81127848765?pwd=RlZCNktBTURkS0lNRW1LalMxK2lkdz09 會議︰811 2784 8765 密碼: 222888

Wedding Announcement

Winnie’s (from Mandarin congregation) son Alvin and Rev. & Mrs. Luke and Yi Mei Xie’s eldest daughter Kirstin will get married on October 1st 1:00 pm at the Good Shepherd Church. Everyone is welcomed to attend the wedding in person or online, and please pray for their wedding. ZOOM: ID︰811 2784 8765 Password: 222888 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81127848765?pwd=RlZCNktBTURkS0lNRW1LalMxK2lkdz09


ECB will meet on Tuesday, Sep 27th at 7:00 pm in Zoom. All coworkers please attend. ECB News (2022, Sep 13): a. Cantonese congregation: Sam Wong will start his part-time internship on September 19th (Mon). Please pray for his upcoming ministries and for God to use him as a blessing to our brothers and sisters….