Junior High Sunday School

Exciting news! Junior High Sunday School will restart on May 29 Sunday 11:15am. We welcome students from grade 6-8 to join the class. The starting theme is “Bible in Life”, how we may integrate faith in our everyone day life as a junior high student. If you may want to find out more, please contact…

Membership Meeting

Mail-in voting sessions will be held at church on May 15 (Today) from 8:45-9:15am (before Cantonese worship) and 10:30am-12:30pm (from end of Cantonese worship to end of Mandarin/English worship) AGM membership meeting at 2 pm today in the sanctuary or Zoom. Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88601323630?pwd=Y2dxQ1hVSnl2bU5HQjZaL0FyYkQ1UT09 Meeting ID: 886 0132 3630 Passcode: 123456


ECB will meet this Tuesday, May 17 at 7:00 pm in Zoom. All coworkers please attend.