Children Ministry

a. Due to the current situation with the pandemic, Children’s Sunday School is held ONLINE at 11:15am on ZOOM only. Meeting ID: 880 2199 6139 Passcode: 111222 b. We are hiring a summer intern to help out the Children Ministry. Applicant should be entering first-year university/college or returning to university/college in September 2022. Please…

MCCC 35th Anniversary Reading Program

The church is encouraging brothers and sisters to join the reading program from April 18 to May 29, 2022. (E-copy KINDLE version is $9.99 plus tax, please click the below link to order. If you are reading a physical bulletin, please search “Essential Guide to Becoming a Disciple: Greg Ogden on Essential Guide To…


《執事會消息》(1 月20 日): 鍾暤軒傳道合約於1 月31 日完結,他選擇不再續約粵語 堂助理傳道一職,他會繼續進修和發展其他事工。我們 感謝鍾傳道和他的妻子Charmaine 在過去困難的一年中 為教會作出美好的事奉,教會祝願他們在新的事工上滿 有神的恩典。 執事會已成立聘牧委員會,協助聘請粵語堂助理傳道。 李維信牧師為聘牧委員會召集人。