Children Ministry

a. We are hiring summer interns to help out the Children Ministry. Applicant should be entering first-year university/college or returning to university/college in September 2024. Please contact Pastor Tim for details . b. Children’s Summer Day Camp helpers: Date: July 15-19 and July 22-26; If you are Gr 8 or above, willing to help…

Finance Department

2023 offering receipts were distributed or sent via email. If you have any questions, please contact: Stephen Hum (English Congregation); Jonathan Yeung (Cantonese Congregation) or Steve Chao (Mandarin Congregation).


美堅堂將贊助一個阿富汗難民家庭(由華基聯會阿富汗植堂教會的Obed牧 師選出)。估計這家庭將於4月初抵達加拿大,美堅堂需要五位義工/家庭 幫助該家庭解決交通、住房等需求(更多細節將稍後提供)。如果您有興趣成為義工,可聯絡各堂教牧同工。以下是首要的工作: a. 抵達機場迎接家庭 b. 協助尋找二手家具和其他家電 c. 協助這家庭尋找合穿的衣服和鞋子 阿富汗教會的牧者 (Pastor Obed)將於3月12日(週二)晚上7:30在網上為我們作一個簡報,讓我們知道如何接待這個家庭,歡迎有心幫助此家庭的兄姊參加,Zoom鏈結可與李維信牧師或其他牧者查詢。