Cantonese Assistant Pastor

After several months of waiting and the Lord’s leading, our church has called Pastor Edmond Chung to be the Cantonese assistant pastor. He will start on February 1, 2021. Pray that our Father will establish his ministries and give him strength to serve, and give grace to Pastor Edmond and his wife.


ECB News (Dec 20, 2020) a. On December 20, 2020, at 1 pm, the AGM meeting had a total of 158 members (out of 248 on roster) participating, representing 63.71% of total membership. The following motions have been accepted by the members: • MOTION 1: To accept Minutes of Membership Meeting on November 17, 2019….

Adelphoi Fellowship Retreat

Adelphoi Fellowship will be having a Christmas Retreat on December 29th from 8:00pm to 10:00pm. All young adults are welcome! The retreat will be a time to relax, play some games and re-connect with each other. You can contact Michel Cheng for more details and RSVP with the following link if you are able to…