Offering to MCCC

MCCC has introduced an online offering option. (a) For those who have been using cheques or cash, please continue to do so. Due to current situation, we encourage brothers and sisters to put aside the cheque/cash until Church is open again. (b) Or you can mail the cheques to church noting your offering number and…

Online Worship

Cantonese at 9:15 am, English and Children’s message at 10:30 am, and Mandarin at 11:30 am. If you want to review the Sunday worship again, please go to the

Church Reopening Survey

MCCC plans to reopen the church safely. Therefore, we hope to collect opinions from you through a questionnaire survey: Please go to the website to fill out the questionnaire on or before August 16 (Sunday). It only takes you one to two minutes to complete!