Ways to Make Offering

MCCC is introducing an online offering option. (a) If you offer via this website, you will receive TAX receipt directly from the vendor (CanadaHelps); the vendor will charge 3.75% for administration fee, but the receipt will reflect your total donation. You will NOT receive the TAX receipt from MCCC for the portion you offer via…

Church Office

Due to the Covid 19 pandemic situation and the policy of Ontario Government, church office will be temporarily closed until further notice. For inquiries, please call 416-498- 3399 or email to millikenchristianchurch@gmail.com


a. 由4月1日開始,兒童部阮牧師會每日會透過Facebook 專頁發 送禱告及分享的信息,與孩子保持聯絡和溝通,直至疫情過 去及社會回復正常為止。請家長鏈結致以下綱站,與孩子一 同瀏覽和討論。家長可協助孩子透過電郵,短訊或Whatsapp與 阮牧師聯絡。 https://www.facebook.com/MCCC-Kids-Corner-109516864036744/ b. 2020暑期兒童日營:將於7月13-17及20-24日在教會舉行,歡 迎升讀一至六年級的兒童參加。報名及查詢:請聯絡阮牧師 或教會秘書。 c. 義工:尋找態度積極及熱心事奉的青年基督徒(七年級或以 上),在暑期日營期間幫助不同年齡的兒童學習神的大愛。申 請者資格為已接受主耶穌基督作個人救主、可以參與營前準 備及訓練。有興趣者,請聯絡阮牧師。