Oil Painting Class

This will be held from October 22 to November 26, every Tuesday from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm in Room B10. The teacher is Mr. Kanson Lee (graduated from OCAD, owner of an art studio). The cost is $75 including course materials and will be collected in the first lesson. There is a maximum of…

Thanksgiving Food Drive

MCCC will be collecting non-perishable food items for Gibson Center from September 29 to October 27. Please put all donations in the collection boxes in the foyer upstairs or outside the basement chapel.

Children Ministry

a. The October Prayer Meeting will be held on next Wednesday (16th) due to ECB meeting. b. Volunteers are needed every Wednesday from 3:30 pm , Oct 6:00 pm for the after school program. Please speak to Pastor Tim if available to help out. c. Christmas Shoebox: We will help collecting the Shoebox again this…