Children’s Choir

Children’s Choir is open for registration for Christmas and Easter programs. Children Grade 2 to Grade 8 are welcome in signing up. Youth and adults are welcome to join as musicians too. Registration forms can be found in the foyer and in Room B4 rack. Please return completed forms to Grace Cheng by Oct 27.

Children Ministry

a. Volunteers are needed every Wednesday from 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm for the after school program. Please speak to Pastor Tim if available to help out. b. Christmas Shoebox: We will help collecting the Shoebox again this year. The gifts will be shipped to third world children. Please obtain a Shoebox outside B7 today…

ECB News

ECB News Flash: a. Minutes for September 17, 2018 • Rev. Vincent Lee will be on study leave (October 1-3) to attend a mission conference at Saddleback Church in Los Angeles, USA. He will be returning to Toronto on October 4. • ECB has approved the distribution of the 5% ACEM Mission Fund Rebate to…