Children Ministry

2019 Children Day Camp will be held in the church on July 15-19 & 22-26. The following volunteers are needed. Please speak to Pastor Tim if you are interested. a. Adults: To prepare lunch for volunteers and snacks for children. b. Christian youths (Junior High & up): To assist the camp and is available for…

Missions Department

a. STM to Germany: A Fund Raising will be held in Room B10 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on May 5. It is all for the support of the local churches. b. Thunder Bay STM (First Nations ministries): It will be held on August 11-17. Cost would be $800. Please speak to Pastor Josiah,…

40 Days of Prayer

Those who have completed will receive a certificate today. We would like to encourage you to keep praying and find someone who can develop good prayer partnership.