ACEM 40th Missions Conference

(Theme: Beyond Boundaries) a. Missions Prayer Guide has been distributed last week. Please pray for our missionaries fervently and regularly. b. Prayer Cards: Please complete and return the original copy c. English Missions Night: October 26, Friday @7:30 pm at TCCC, Speaker: Richard Piet

Missions Department

a. STM to Indonesia: Stanley Hum, J&A from English congregation left for Indonesia last week. They will be back on November 3. Please continue to remember them in your prayer. b. STM to Myanmar/Cambodia:  June Cheng and Juliana Wen from Cantonese congregation will go to Myanmar for STM on November 16-28. Juliana will continue…


a. 2019 budget information sessions will be held as follows: ˙November 4, Sunday in Room B9 from 11:45 am to 12:15 pm ˙November 11, Sunday in Room B9 from 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm b. Indonesia Earthquake & Tsunami Relief: MCCC will be collecting special offering for Indonesia earthquake and tsunami relief. Deadline is next…