Missions Department

a. Urbana 18: Subsidy for this conference is available to members of ACEM churches, or baptised Christians regularly attending the weekly worship of an ACEM church for a minimum of 2 years. Please submit your application to ACEM Office no later than July 4, 2018. Form is posted on www.acem.ca b. Thunder Bay STM: A…

ECB News Flash

(June 26th, 2018): a. a. A planning committee has been formed for the celebration banquet for Pastor Tim Yuen’s ordination. Deaconess Ophelia Lau is the convener. b. 2019 Budget – The deadline for all ministries and departments to submit budget plans to Deacon Chris Cheng (ECB Treasurer) for the 2019 church budget is August 27….

Church office

Church office will close for Canada Day holiday on July 2nd, Monday. Pastoral staffs will take their replacement holiday on Tuesday.