Community Development

Oil Painting Class: It will be held from May 29th to June 19th, every Tuesday morning from 10:30 to 12:30. A total of four classes, free materials. The cost fee is $40. Please pay the teacher directly at the first class. Receipt will be given by the teacher. The teacher is Mr. Kanson Lee (graduated…

Children Ministry

a. 2018 Children Day Camp: This will be held for 2 weeks (July 16-20 & July 23-27). For registration, please contact Pastor Tim. b. Summer Children Ministry Assistant: If you are a university/college student, or will enter post-secondary school in September, and are interested in applying for this position, please speak to Pastor Tim.

Missions Department

a. Thanks for your love offering to support Uganda slum area education. We have received a total donation of $8,270. GO international Canada will send out receipts to individual directly. b. STM trip to Germany: This trip is led by Deacon Gary Dong, with members Deacon Sheila Xu, Sherry Qin, Zian Qin, Rebecca Lee, Bernard…