AFC Frosh Connexion

AFC’s Frosh CONNEXION: Do Know any students entering post secondary? Invite them to Frosh Connexion, an annual event hosted by AFC that connects students to Asian/Chinese Christian Fellowships at their respective university or college campus. The event will take place on Tuesday, August 13th, 2024 at North York Chinese Baptist Church. Doors open at 5pm…

Congregational News

Our supported missionaries Henry and Wendy Chuang have finished the ministry in Taiwan, have now returned to Toronto. May God continue to guide them in their journey.

Children Ministry

2024 Children’s Day Camp 2nd week will be held on July 22-26. And the Youth Day Camp will be held July 29 to Aug 2. We pray for the children who attend the camp is monumental in their faith journey. We pray for God to use the ministry of camp to impart our children, let…