English Congregation News

Good Friday Service: Each congregation has been asked to volunteer 5-6 people for the Good Friday Service play. If you are interested in participating, please contact Pastor Josiah or he will find you. Good Friday Service Baptism: We will be having a Good Friday service Baptism on March 30th. If anyone is interested in getting…

Children Ministry

a. Summer Children Ministry Assistant: If you are a university/college student, or will enter post-secondary school in September, and are interested in applying for this position, please speak to Pastor Tim. Preference will be given to those who have experience of teaching children Christian faith b. Volunteer Recruit: We are looking for Christian youths (Grade…

Finance Department

The 2017 offering receipts were distributed in the last two weeks. The remaining receipts will be sent out by mail this week. If there is any inquiry, please contact Deacon Chris Cheng or Deaconess Ophelia Lau.