You can now use SMS, Wechat or WhatsApp to check church news or events through 437-988-1886.
Weekly MCCC announcements from our bulletin.
You can now use SMS, Wechat or WhatsApp to check church news or events through 437-988-1886.
This will be held on December 31st, 2017 (Sunday) at 8:00 pm in the sanctuary. All three Congregations will sing, give thanks, pray and have fellowship time together. 7 years old and up can join. Children program will be provided.
The Christmas Baptismal Service will be held on December 16th (Sat) 10:00 am at GSCC Sanctuary. Please pray for the candidates and attend the Service to show your support. The baptismal candidates are: English – Hugo Sea, Minna Lin Mandarin – Hong Lan Luo, Jenny Jiang Cantonese – George Leong, Sau Yuk Leong, Hung So,…