
a. 崇拜聚會結束後,請留步享用茶點、交友聯誼、共沐主恩。 b. 國語早堂及午堂聯合福音主日戶外崇拜:將於5 月28 日(主日)上午11:15 分在教堂外青草地舉行,講題:「認識真神」(徒17:22-31),講員: 王占臣牧 師,請邀請未信主/慕道親友參加。並於崇拜後進行雙親節慶祝,提供簡便 午餐,歡迎國語堂弟兄姊妹扶老攜幼同來出席。 c. 祈禱會消息﹕逢週四晚7:30 在教會禮堂舉行,先開始《學習主耶穌的禱 告》,之後有分組禱告,盼望大家一起來參加,藉禱告為教會守望。

Children’s Ministry Retreat

It will be held on June 3rd, Saturday from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm at L’Arche Daybreak (11339 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill). Please register with Pastor Tim.

Mission Department

a. GTA Annual Joint Prayer Meeting (Ramadan 2017) will be held on May 25 (Thurs) 7:30 pm to 9 pm in our Chapel. All brothers and sisters are welcomed to join. b. Thunder Bay STM – praise the Lord as Rev. Lee will lead 8 brothers and sisters to join the Thunder Bay STM. Please…