Church Summer Camp 2017

The date is June 23-25, 2017. The theme is “Embracing God’s Plan for Your Life”. Speaker is Rev. Johnny Wong. The children program is for age 2-11: Amazing Bible Adventure. Registration is from May 14 to June 11. For information and registration, please speak to Deacon Wilson Young.


News Flash from ECB Meeting on May 1, 2017: a. Membership meeting will be held in sanctuary on Sunday May 28 at 2:00 pm. All church members are encouraged to attend and cast their ballots for the following items on that day: • Election of deacons 2018-2019. • Approval of Financial Statements 2016 and Auditor’s…

Pastoral News

a. Rev. Luke Xie is away from May 10-23 as he returned to China to visit his father, who is very sick. Pray for his trip and health to his father. b. Our custodian Mr. Jing Chao Li will be on holiday from May 14 to June 3, during when a cleaning company will do…