
The total offering amount from January 2017 to October 2017 was distributed last week. Please pick up your own copy from the magazine rack if needed. If there is any inquiry, please contact Stephen Hum.

English Congregation News

EMC Meeting: The EMC meeting have been moved to Dec 3 (Sun) at 1 pm. All EMC members please join us on that day. Baptism: The Christmas Baptismal Service will be held on December 16th (Sat) 10:00 am at GSCC Sanctuary. If you have received Jesus Christ as Savior and like to be baptized, please…

Senior Activities

A workshop about “Winter Birds: Unexpectedly so many kinds!” will be held on November 16th (Thu) at 2:00 pm in the chapel. All are welcome to attend and it is free of charge. Attendees will be given priority to join the indoor bird feeding activities in February or March, 2018. For registration, please speak to…