Gospel Sunday: The Gospel Sunday will be held next Sunday (Nov 12). Please invite your friends to join us. EMC Meeting: The EMC meeting have been moved to Dec 3 (Sun) at 1 pm. All EMC members please join us on that day.
Weekly MCCC announcements from our bulletin.
Gospel Sunday: The Gospel Sunday will be held next Sunday (Nov 12). Please invite your friends to join us. EMC Meeting: The EMC meeting have been moved to Dec 3 (Sun) at 1 pm. All EMC members please join us on that day.
A workshop about “Winter Birds: Unexpectedly so many kinds!” will be held on November 16th (Thursday) at 2:00 pm in the church basement. All are welcome to attend and it is free of charge. Attendees will be given priority to join the indoor bird feeding activities in February or March, 2018. For registration, please speak…
If you still want to donate, please contact GO International directly.