
a. 由”美堅華人基督教會” 及”泉源輔導中心” 聯合主辦,一個名為”蛻變 更新,鮮活人生”的長者課程,將於2 月23, 25 日及3 月2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18 日舉行。此課程特為華裔長者而設,透過8 節共16 小時的課程,增 進長者對全人(身體、心理、精神、人際及靈性)有健康的認識及自我關 顧,勇敢面對移民及人生的挑戰,更新家庭及人際關係,擴展生命境 界,重投社會,學習新知,活用資源,盡顯才華,回饋社會,共創積 極人生、家庭及社群生活。上課地點:美堅華人基督教會,上課時間: 逢星期四下午1 時至3 時、逢星期六上午10 時至12 時,詳情請 電: (416) 498 3399 查詢。

Children Ministry

a. Summer Children Ministry Assistant: If you are a university/college student, or will enter post-secondary school in September, and are interested in applying for this position, please speak to Pastor Tim. b. Volunteer Recruit: We are looking for Christian youths (Grade 8 and up) with a positive attitude and zest for mission to volunteer in…

MCCC 30th Anniversary

a. 30th Anniversary Photos: The photos have been posted on the bulletin board opposite church office. If you would like to obtain copies of the photo(s), each photo is $0.25. Please write down your name and photo number on the signup sheet. The deadline for ordering the photos is February 28th, 2017. b. 30th Anniversary…