Thunder Bay STM team will be back on July 9th, today. Please pray for a safe trip. The participants are Rev. Vincent Lee (leader), Pastor Josiah, Henry Jing, June Cheng, Tyler Jing, Yang Jin, Bryan Sun, Clover Qi and Ella Yang.
Weekly MCCC announcements from our bulletin.
Thunder Bay STM team will be back on July 9th, today. Please pray for a safe trip. The participants are Rev. Vincent Lee (leader), Pastor Josiah, Henry Jing, June Cheng, Tyler Jing, Yang Jin, Bryan Sun, Clover Qi and Ella Yang.
James Lau, June Li and Melody Wong will be serving in MCCC as Assistant Summer students in July and August. May the Lord bless the community through their service.
a. 崇拜聚會結束後,教會備有茶點供應。請弟兄姐妹及新朋友移步到禮 堂前廊,共同享用、交友聯誼、共沐主恩。 b. 因應教會要培訓更多事奉人員,執事會特請王乃基牧師於6 月22 日(週 四) 晚上7:30-9:30 提供培訓講座(祈禱會將暫停一次),邀請執事、國語 堂堂委、歷屆主日學教師、團契職員、小組組長及有心學習事奉的弟兄 姊妹參加。 c. 香柏/嘉年團契:將於6 月22 日(週四)下午2:00 在副堂舉辦泉源輔導中 心特別講座「歲月增,信心長,盼望大」,講員是于穎濤姊妹,內容: “人生的每個階段,都有其獨特的挑戰和美好,也都充滿了主愛的陪伴 與信實。這信實同樣在我們長青樂齡中幫助和操練我們,更加增永恆的 盼望。”