General Management

Church Parking: A reminder from our GM team that brothers and sisters attending worship on Sunday at MCCC are to use only the 3 rows of parking of the north side. The south side of the parking lot is reserved for GSCC on Sunday morning.

Missions Department

Rev. Vincent Lee will lead the Thunder Bay Short- Term Mission Trip on August 3-9, 2017 to engage in community outreach work. If you are interested, please attend a briefing session on April 9 (Sun) at 1 pm – 3-pm.

Children Ministry

a. 2017 Children Day Camp: We will accept children going to grades 1 to 6 this year in the summer day camp. Please speak to Pastor Tim for the registration form. Registration will take place on April 23, 11 am to 12 noon only in room B10. Please bring your completed registration with cheque payable…