Daylight Savings Time

The Daylight Savings Time will begin next Sunday (March 13th). Please turn clock ONE HOUR FORWARD this coming Sat. night (Mar. 12th) before you go to bed.

Pastoral News

Pastor Henry and Wendy Chuang have officially being appointed by C&MA as career missionaries. God has shown them His grace and faithfulness throughout the whole process. As they prepare to leave the country in which they have called home for the past 25+ years and getting ready to move to a new world in Japan,…

Sunday Messages

The 2016 first quarter preaching theme will be on “God’s Love”. Bible Reading Plan for this week is as follows: Mar 6 (Sun) Psalm 90 Mar 7 (Mon) Psalm 91 Mar 8 (Tue) Psalm 92 Mar 9 (Wed) Psalm 93 Mar 10 (Thu) Psalm 94 Mar 11 (Fri) Psalm 95 Mar 12 (Sat) Isaiah 54:10-13