Sunday Messages

The 2016 first quarter preaching theme will be on “God’s Love”. Bible Reading Plan for this week is as follows: Feb 7 (Sun) Psalm 67 Feb 8 (Mon) Psalm 68 Feb 9 (Tue) Psalm 69 Feb 10 (Wed) Psalm 70 Feb 11 (Thu) Psalm 71 Feb 12 (Fri) Psalm 72 Feb 13 (Sat) Romans 5:1-11

Chinese New Year

Tomorrow is Chinese New Year. We like to pray for peace and spiritual growth for every member of the body of Christ in the New Year.

Nehemiah Winter Camp

Nehemiah fellowship is planning for a winter camp on Feb 13-15 (Sat-Mon) at New Tribes Mission at Durham, Ontario. For more information, please speak to Frances or Jerrold.