Devotional readings

The Bible Reading Plan from September to the end of the year is from the Book of Acts as follows: December 25 (Sun) Acts 27:13-26 December 26 (Mon) Acts 27:27-38 December 27 (Tue) Acts 27:39-44 December 28 (Wed) Acts 28:1-10 December 29 (Thu) Acts 28:11-16 December 30 (Fri) Acts 28:17-22 December 31 (Sat) Acts 28:23-31

ECB News Flash from Dec 4 ECB Meeting

a.Membership Meeting – 161 members voted in the Membership Meeting (54.9% of all church members). Both Membership Meeting motions (To accept Steve Chao as 2017-18 deacon and to accept the 2017 MCCC Financial Budget in the amount of $988,982.17) were accepted. b.2017 ECB Roles (Copies of the list can be found just outside of the…