Sunday Messages

The preaching theme from April to Mid-May will focus on “40 Days of Love”. Bible Reading Plan for this week is as follows: May 1 (Sun) Psalm 132 May 2 (Mon) Psalm 133-134 May 3 (Tue) Psalm 135 May 4 (Wed) Psalm 136 May 5 (Thu) Psalm 137 May 6 (Fri) Psalm 138 May 7…


We thank God that Wendy has competed her MTS at Tyndale Seminary and the graduation ceremony will be held at RHCCC on May 14 (Sat) at 10 am. Please continue to pray for Henry, Wendy and their family for their preparation to go to Japan in July.

Table Tennis

From now on to the end of August, brothers & sisters and all our community friends are welcomed to play ping pong every Sunday from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the church basement.