Missions Department

a. There will also be a short term mission team to East Asia from August 1-12. The ministry will be focusing on using Mandarin or Cantonese and English, to build disciples and teach English. Approximate cost will be around $3,200.CAD including airfare. If you have heart for Chinese in E. Asia and want to involve…

40 Days of Love

There will be a small group leaders training / briefing for all three congregations on Feb 28 (Sun) at 1 pm – 2 pm in the chapel. The pastors will lead the training

ECB News

a. ECB Meeting: ECB will meet on February 21st (today) at 4:00 pm in Room 101. All co-workers please attend. b. Finance Department: 2015 offering receipts will be available today. Please contact Stephen Hum.