The Lost and Found Box is now located at the corner of the stairways near Room 101. Please check if there is any item that belongs to you as soon as possible. We will clear the box after November 3rd, 2014.
Weekly MCCC announcements from our bulletin.
The Lost and Found Box is now located at the corner of the stairways near Room 101. Please check if there is any item that belongs to you as soon as possible. We will clear the box after November 3rd, 2014.
a. ACEM 36th Missions Conference (October 16-26) ˙Theme: ALL IN, FOR HIM. ˙Missions Prayer Guide: Please take a copy from the magazine rack and pray for the missionaries. ˙Please put your Faith Commitment Card & Mission Prayer Card in the drop box at the entrance of the Chapel. b. STM to Cambodia and Myanmar (November…
Minutes for October 19, 2014: a. The 2015 Church Budget has been approved by the ECB.(see insert) b. AGM to Approve 2015 Church Budget: – The voting session has been moved from November 30 to November 23. Voting will be held after each worship service. A membership meeting to approve minutes of previous membership meeting…