English Congregation Fellowships

Fellowship/ Ministry Activity Date Information Youth 144  (Grade 6-12) January 24th @ 7:30pm Regular Session. Adelphoi  (Young Adults) January 23rd @ 1:30pm in Church Continuing Bible Study in Acts 3 Elijah (Career and Young Families) February @ Church Refer to WhatsApp Group for details. Emmanuel  (Families) February Gathering Refer to WhatsApp Group for details Thursday…

Children Ministry

The Children’s Ministry resumes after-school activity classes for Gr.4-Gr.8 students in January, every Tuesday from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. The after-school program will be conducted in modular units. Activities include painting, baking, games, cooking, basic life skills, and more. For more information, please contact Pastor Tim Yuen mccc.timy@gmail.com.

General Management

Starting from 2025, MCCC brothers and sisters are reminded to park only in yellow spaces every Sunday. The remaining spaces are reserved for GSCC. If the parking spaces are full, please park at Wintermute and follow the City traffic regulations.