ACEM 46th Missions Conference

We praise the Lord for listening to our prayers and guiding us through the 46th Missions Conference. The atmosphere was lively and we had wonderful feedback from the missions organizations. As part of our commitment to the mission, ACEM have prepared an online Pledge Form for all congregants to make their pledges before God. Here…

Ordination of Henry Chuang

The ordination service of missionary Henry Chuang will be held at Rexdale Alliance Church at 2:00 pm on November 24 (Sunday). All are welcome to attend.

Compassion Canada

Thank you for all those who welcomed the Compassion Team and Alyssa last Sunday! According to the report, MCCC sponsored 27 children (Cantonese:13; Mandarin:9; English:5), and including previous sponsorship, all in total would be 44. Compassion would like to thank Milliken for giving them the chance to share and allow for sponsorship.