ECB News Flash

(Minutes for January 15, 2019) a. The ECB has formed the 2020-21 Deacon Candidates Nomination Committee. Rev. Vincent Lee will be the convener of the committee. b. 40 Days of Prayer: Books will be sold beginning February 10 in all congregations. Both Chinese and English versions of the books will be sold for $10 each….


The new term of ESL started yesterday. It is a free course targeting anyone who is interested in learning English. Please register with the teacher on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.


Church library is open on Sunday between 10:50 a.m. and 11:15 p.m. Please drop by, browse and borrow resources that may interest you. We are also looking for helpers serving at the opening hour once a month. Please speak to Deaconess Irene during opening hour for more details.